⛏️ Doge Miner is a combination of the classic gold mining game with meme coin on Solana. The cute Shiba dog will bring you luck. Precious treasures lie deep underground, waiting for you to explore. ⛏️

Presale Starts In

01 : 19 : 58 : 07

Total Supply

Token Symbol: $DMINER

Mint & Freeze: Revoked

Liquidity: Burned

Taxes: 0/0

Token Address


How To Buy?

Buy $DMINER like this!

1. Get Some Solana

You can get some $SOL on exchanges or via Moonpay

Go Moonpay

2. Send It To Your Wallet

Download Phantom or use sniper bot like Bonkbot

Go Phantom

3. Swap To $DMINER

Go to Raydium or Jupiter. Paste $DMINER token address and do the transaction

4. Welcome!

Welcome, to $DMINER

4. Welcome!

Welcome, to $DMINER

California gold rush

During the California gold rush of 1850, DOGE also set out to mine for gold.

During the California gold rush of 1850, DOGE also set out to mine for gold.

Because of his luck, he found a $DMINER on SOL and made a lot of money, but unfortunately he was chased by the Dalton bandits.

Because of his luck, he found a $DMINER on SOL and made a lot of money, but unfortunately he was chased by the Dalton bandits.

Luckily surviving, he met Lucky Luke and was gifted his gun.

Luckily surviving, he met Lucky Luke and was gifted his gun.

He fought against the gang and reclaimed all his money!

He fought against the gang and reclaimed all his money!

Does this story sound familiar?

Does this story sound familiar?

@ 2024 by Doge Miner. All Rights Reserved

@ 2024 by Doge Miner. All Rights Reserved

@ 2024 by Doge Miner. All Rights Reserved